5 things this pandemic taught me

Supreet Kaur
5 min readJun 19, 2021


Tough times do make people stronger and wiser. I was able to understand it’s true meaning in this pandemic. Everything seemed normal a few years back , who knew we would be facing such a huge crisis .

There are moments in our life where we learn things the hard way . I’m happy to share few of my learnings with everyone hoping it might help in one way or the other.

5 things I learnt in this pandemic :

1. Being positive does help

I know a lot of us have heard about this multiple times earlier in our lives “Just be positive and you’ll be fine “. But does it really work ? Yes , it did for me! When things don’t go the way we planned them , we often face failure and setbacks that can take us to places we don’t want to visit, we start losing hope and forget that life is not all sugar and sweet , it can sometimes get a little bitter, spicy and sour.

The only thing that can makes a difference is the way we look at those challenges and this technique of positive reinforcement will never work if it doesn't come from within us as individuals. Bad times, may it be at your work place, family health crisis or just negativity around you in general can affect your mental and emotional health in multiple ways , but do you want it to affect you ? that’s the choice YOU make.

2. Nature is the creator and the destroyer

We humans often forget that we are not the ones running this world, there are much more stronger powers and forces that govern this universe. What is a better way and time to realize it than in these times of sufferings.Who could imagine that millions and millions would be dying due to a tiny invisible virus .

We need to respect these laws and see nature the way it was created ,beautiful and limitless. Nature is that art that is timeless and something you can only truly understand if you feel it. If we fail to embrace it the way it was meant to be , we will surely face the consequences.

3. Leave it all to ‘Time’ : A natural healer

When i say this , i do mean it .Time is that entity that makes or breaks things and it also has this power to heal . Time is eternal , but nothing that lives in it is , may it be that phase of happiness or sadness .We live and enjoy the best or worst moments in it but it also washes everything away with it and leaves back the footprints or what we call them as ‘memories’.

People say ‘Give it time ‘, ‘Wait for some time’, ‘One day at a time’ , ‘Make time’ , ‘Had a great time’ , time is pure and precious , if you trust it’s process it can be your best counselor and healer.

4. It’s OK not to be productive every time

Everyone loves ‘not to be productive’ at times. Don’t we? Trust me it’s fine , half of our life goes in figuring out what to do next , where to go next and in this hustle we never stop a second to comprehend . It comes naturally to us as humans.

Sit back enjoy that piece of cake and binge watch that series, just keep in mind anything in extreme or excess is harmful , finding your right balance is important . The notion of being useless when you have your days of ‘not being productive’ is not correct. We all can find that space and time to just do nothing , relax and be with ourselves and that is absolutely OK.

5. Keep learning

Learning is a journey that never ends . Either we keep learning new skills or life keeps teachings us through different means. In these low times during the pandemic we might face moments when we are demotivated(maybe all the time ;P) to do anything , all we need to keep reminding ourselves is that life goes on and with changing times we humans need to adapt and adjust with the new world . It will never be easy at first but giving our best shot is what matters at the end .

No one is born perfect , we all have our beauties and flaws , like I try to implement what I preach , but it doesn’t work all the time for me too and I fairly accept it so that i learn and grow from it.

Let’s try this as starters , learn one new skill everyday (it can be a small or an easy one too) and see with time what it can actually turn you into .

Thanks for sticking around :) Cheers!

