How to stay organised

Supreet Kaur
5 min readJul 15, 2021



Being organized helps me to not only keep my work sorted out but also my thoughts.
Organizing in any way is definitely a game changer , it helps you in multiple areas of your life ranging from physical well being to a better mental health . People all around the world have different ways of practicing it , the practices of being organized may not be similar for each one of them. But these are a few significant ones that i observed-

5 Habits of highly organized individuals

  • When they start a task they like to finish it right away : Procrastination is their enemy and they like to save time and effort as much as possible.
  • They keep a daily tracker (to-do-list) : You will agree with me on this that not everyone can do it . It’s a little too much for some people but some actually find themselves more productive and organized when they do so.
  • They love routines : This makes them feel more in control of themselves and of course better time management .
  • They prioritize : Prioritizing is their best habit, it helps them focus better and keep the trash away.
  • They declutter regularly : This helps them to keep their thoughts crystal clear and minimalizing helps them to take better decisions.

There are three types of ‘being organized’ , the person who likes to be more physically organized by keeping his/her surrounding the way it is “supposed” to be, the other who likes his/her thoughts to be organized and the third who is a mixture of both . For a lot of people keeping the area in which you work organized , helps them to be more productive throughout the day. I’m more of the second type and incorporating those habits have helped me a lot throughout my life.

The concept of organizing or planning can impact a lot of people positively . It definitely helped me in my college days to manage my subjects and prepare for my examinations . You can apply it almost anywhere. We read enough about what organizing means and how it benefits us , but let’s see it being implemented in a real life scenario.

Steps that will help you as a student

Let’s consider a hypothetical situation that you have a week to prepare for an exam. How will you make the best of your time and effort ?
It’s said that ‘Put in more time first to study and understand the problem.’ . Similarly in this case you will put in more time to actually plan and organize what all you have to cover in you syllabus and the solution part will follow next automatically.

  • Collect all your study material – Keep your sources limited yet strong , in this way you will be more confident and less confused about what you have to study. For example a single textbook and your notes or any pdf material should be enough to get started.
  • Your syllabus– Before you dive in make sure to mark your syllabus and mark the chapters/topics to be covered.
  • Prioritize– To be efficient it’s very important to prioritize your topics ranging from the most important to the least( can be on the basis of weightage they carry in exam ).
  • Overview – This is a practice i personally follow as it works well for me. Whenever you pick up a topic ensure that you take a brief overview of all the subtopics and concepts it’s trying to cover before you go deeper into it . This creates a blueprint in your head about what all you need to learn and cover in this particular topic.
  • Make practice notes if needed- It will help you to go through the concepts you learnt just if you need to before you give your exam.

With the help of these few tips you will definitely see how organizing your thoughts and work together will actually help you to complete your work on time and ace that examination. At the end we all know that we have ‘to study’ but knowing ‘how to study’ helps us win the game.

What helps me

These are few things that i personally have practiced and they worked for me . Try it for yourself.

  • Waking up early : I was a night person but in this lockdown i started waking up early morning and what i observed was that i had way much more time to organize and plan my day before my actual day started. It’s all about at what time you feel the most productive and that is mostly when you have a clear and fresh mind to work with.
  • Plan in my head : One of the best ways is to write down the things you plan to do throughout your day , but it didn’t work for me every time and i realized that i function better when i plan things in my head and keep revisiting them rather than jotting them down on a paper. Try this if writing points in a to-do-list doesn’t work for you.
  • Simplify : Try to simplify the most complex situations or things. It will help you think clearly and take best decisions.
  • Getting sufficient sleep : People often ignore this by thinking that sleep is not a productive thing that you do . But ironically it is one of the most productive things you do in a day . As sleep enhances your power of understanding , memorizing and storing whatever you learnt throughout the day.
  • Prioritizing : Do what you feel is worth your energy first.

How to actually stay organised?

There is no secret behind being organised , the internet will show you ten different ways in how you can be ‘organized’ but it’s on you as individuals to decide what works best for you . If not writing a to-do-list helps you focus better and achieve your goals till the end of the day then it’s perfectly normal. No one functions in the same way , one thing that can help me be better organized may not be that effective for the other person. What we all look for at the end is to achieve our goals with least effort and time leading us to be more efficient in whatever we do. Keeping our thoughts collected, our minds focused and our bodies healthy is a way of saying that a person is organized . Planning is a part of it that helps us through the journey .

