What is life all about ?

Supreet Kaur
4 min readJun 17, 2021


We often think a million times about this question throughout our lives, yet we never get an answer to it. Is life’s purpose at the end about getting that desired job , is it about buying that dream house or car, is it about reaching the top of the human race.

Questions are healthy. Let’s ask some!

Our mind

Our mind is definitely the most beautiful yet the most complicated creation.
Our mind is definitely the most complicated yet the most beautiful creation.

It after all is a mechanism designed by someone powerful or what i like to call it as ‘The supreme energy’. We have the ability to think , see ,interpret and act which definitely makes us stand out from rest of the species existing on Earth. But have we ever thought what lies beyond our limited human thinking and actions. We keep on repeating the same processes again and again sub-consciously or consciously , we keep reminiscing over the same things and memories .Our mind keeps playing these little tricks with us all the time.

In this whole human life we keep wishing to have more and more and at the end we see no one is satisfied with whatever they have whether good or bad ,everyone keeps reaching for a little more. Is this the purpose after all?

I often tend to question myself that is life designed this way for everyone . Why do all species take birth and eventually die with time. It’s way too complicated if we start thinking about it in depth , as humans fail to think beyond a certain limit , where all questions remain unanswered .


It’s all about that kick

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter which is responsible for how we feel pleasure.It’s what our body makes and our nervous system sends messages between our nerve cells. In simple words it’s the “feel-good hormone” in our body.

Why do people get addicted to certain kinds of food , social media, video games or drugs , just to get that one hit of dopamine. The world works on this concept of reward system , solve this task or post this to get instant gratification .They target the audience by creating products and services that will bring them back again and again to satisfy their pleasures. After all it’s effortless . Humans are playing with emotions of other humans to satisfy their emotional needs. Isn’t this crazy?

Deep thinking

Can thinking solve this dilemma? Maybe not .Whenever i tried thinking over this i never ever reached to a satisfactory end, it always lead me to a path where i started contradicting my own thoughts and it landed me in a deep black hole of nothingness.

Life is so much more than what we can imagine it to be . It’s a warm cozy tree house with books and coffee, it’s that favorite song we love to listen to , it’s that one dish we relish , it’s that car ride we enjoy and that party in which we dance our hearts out. Maybe life’s about that journey and not that destination.

You choose

After giving this question a lot of thought I came to a conclusion that we might not have the power to think what’s beyond this realm , but we definitely have the power to make a choice of how we wish to live it.

If we were to know it all , what would have been the beauty of discoveries and inventions . If we would have figured it all out we would never have strived to grow to improve or learn.

Life is about discovering yourself , it’s about finding that calmness and oneness within , it’s about connecting those dots together and yes obviously asking questions . After all everything we feel makes us alive.

